I testify:the Lord cares, He is watchfully guiding those who allow Him, and He will not leave us alone in trial. March 28, 2010
There are a few principles and truths of which I wanted to bear witness, from personal experience. One is fasting. I have seen my family change and grow and become closer than ever before as we have fasted together, on many occasions. One experience in particular, has really solidified my testimony of this principle when the family ward that I grew up in came together with my close and extended family to fast for a long awaited miracle, after all we could do. I witness that this miracle was granted, he is going to be eight years old this October!
I also testify that God will not always take away our struggles. He may not see fit to remove the cause of some of our greatest sorrows or heartaches or pains in the moment that we beg for this very thing; but I have seen for myself and experienced through my trials and struggles the love that our Father in Heaven and our Savior Jesus Christ have for us. They are constant and can be trusted with everything we have, whether it be our worries, our joys, our desires, or whatever else we are holding onto. They love us eternally, unconditionally, and when we don't love ourselves or go astray. Why would God send His beloved Son to suffer ALL things if He did not love us as much as I say He does, and more?
They are NOT vengeful and do not delight in seeing us suffer. They love us. They know us by name; and even more than that, They know our feelings, our concerns, and They know how to BEST help us find relief and come unto them for the peace and help that we need everyday because they know from experience what we face.
The Lord cares about what worries us and what distresses us--even if it has no eternal significance, as is illustrated in the story of the first miracle that Jesus performed in His mortal experience. As found in John 2:1-11, Jesus turns the water to wine at the marriage feast, not because it had any eternal necessity but because it concerned His mother. Therefore, I know that the things that are important to me, no matter how silly or small they may seem to others, are important to the Lord. I know that this story teaches us the truth that the Lord, just as he changed water to wine, He can change us from ordinary, mortal beings to EXTRAORDINARY and CELESTIAL beings through His eternal sacrifice. I know that no trial or tribulation is impossible to face when you bind yourself to the Lord and His will for you. Trust Him, be confident in His ability to succor and carry and lead you PERFECTLY. No struggle or pain is bigger than the love of God that has been made manifest and complete through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
I know that the Atonement is real and continuous. It is not like the things we buy at the store where once you've used what is in the container it is gone. The power of the Atonement cannot be contained by the bounds of this world because it is beyond this world. If we will keep using it, the Atonement will never stop changing us and working in our lives. As long as we need it, repentance through the power of the atonement is ALWAYS available to us, it never runs out; and we will always need it as long as we live.
I know that the power of revelation is real. We can and will receive the answers and direction that we need as we sincerely seek them, just as young Joseph Smith did in the Sacred Grove and the prophets have done in the past and will always do.
I want everyone to know that I have a burning testimony of the truth of my divine parentage. We are the sons and daughters of the most high God with individual missions and purposes. What hope this has brought to me at many, many times in my life. Knowing that God has a plan, specifically for me, gives me courage and strength to be steadfast in my faith and firm in my testimony. God has individual plans for each of us to attain the greatest joy and gladness available in all the eternities. This knowledge has dispelled fear, doubt and discouragement for me in many times where darkness was moving in.
I know that we are here to have joy and to help others do the same. I know that the greatest feelings and experiences of joy are found in families that love the Lord. I have found this for myself. I know that families can be forever if we will cling to the covenants we make in the temple. Living worthy of and looking forward to the temple in all stages of life brings great joy to the life of anyone who will do so. I also know this for myself. I felt it so strongly when I was married in the temple myself. Any time of ridicule of loneliness because we live what we believe and people around us think we are foolish to do so is worth every second if we will not lose sight of the eternal importance of doing things the Lord's way and only trying to please Him with the way we live our lives.
Now I've said a lot, and written several run-on sentences to be sure but this gospel is the most important thing to me. It brings more joy and peace into my life than anything else. What more could we need in a world that holds only the opposite of lasting joy and peace. This fallen world has nothing to offer but lies, fleeting and temporary pleasure, and short sighted alternatives that will pull any stability out from under our feet.
The Lord is the only thing we can count on in this world and I know that as the world increases in evil and deceit we will have to root ourselves deeply and firmly on steady ground by having a testimony of Jesus Christ and using His Atonement continuously.
I love this gospel that has truly been restored to the earth and I thank the Lord for my best friend who helps me meet the challenges of everyday and every hour. I know that I have been blessed with specific experiences and people in my life because of the Lord's great love for me.
He recognizes our effort, He appreciates any effort to show Him our gratitude for the Atonement which bridges the gulf between where we are and where we want to be. I cannot earn the Lord's mercy or gain salvation through my own, weak works--only the Atonement of Jesus Christ can grant me these gifts, these endowments of power to overcome my natural man for me. There is too much for me to do it for myself. I do not even need to try, it has already been done for me, out of perfect love, by my Savior Jesus Christ; and I say these things, along with the many other things that are in my heart, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.